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Artificial Intelligence Threat Reporting and Incident Response System - IRIS

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The National Cyber Security Directorate - DNSC is the beneficiary of a non-reimbursable financing for the implementation of “Artificial Intelligence Threat Reporting and Incident Response System - IRIS” project, under financing contract no. 101021727. The project is financed through European Union Horizon 2020 Programme, under the call H2020-SU-DS-2018-2019-2020/H2020-SU-DS-2020 topics.

- INOV - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Inovacão, (INOV), Portugal

- European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), Belgium
- The National Cyber Security Directorate, (DNSC), Romania
- Intrasoft International SA (INTRA), Luxembourg
- Thales Six Gts France SAS (THALES), France
- Atos It Solutions And Services Iberia SL (ATOS), Spain
- Cisco Systems Spain S.L (CISCO SPAIN), Spain
- Exalens (CLS), Netherlands
- Sidroco Holdings Limited (SID), Cyprus
- Cyberethics Lab SRLS (CEL), Italy
- Commissariat a L`Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), France
- Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis, (CERTH), Greece
- Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece
- Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Netherlands
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TalTech), Estonia
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
- Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (KEMEA), Greece

Starting date of the action: 1 September, 2021
Duration of the action: 36 months
Total value: € 5,678,075.00, of which non-reimbursable financial assistance: € 4,918,790.00
DNSC budget: € 159,500.00
Project website: https://www.iris-h2020.eu
The overall objective of the project is to create a framework that will support European CERTs/CSIRTs for detecting, sharing, responding to and recovering from cyber security threats and vulnerabilities in IoT and AI-based ICT systems, in order to minimize the impact of the risks related to cyber security and data confidentiality. To achieve this, IRIS brings together experts in cybersecurity, IoT, AI, automatic threat detection, response and recovery.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
- the IRIS project is designed as a integrated services platform (Platform as a Service - PaaS) against AI and IoT cyber threats, involving three core technology components:
    - Collaborative Threat Intelligence (CTI) module;
    - Automated Threat Analytics (ATA) module;
    - Virtual Cyber Range (VCR) module.
- the IRIS platform will be tested and validated in three different scenarios which simulate real-world environments, with the involvement of three cities (Helsinki, Barcelona and Tallinn), which have adopted the concept of "smart city":
Scenario 1 aims to detect vulnerabilities of the IoT systems, to report breaches of confidentiality and integrity of data and to mitigate the potential effects generated by their propagation in the interconnected systems (Barcelona, Spain);
- Scenario 2 aims to validate the platform`s capabilities to be exploited as a learning tool of collaborative response to cyber security incidents within the AI infrastructure of autonomous transport systems (Tallinn, Estonia);
- Scenario 3 aims to assess the platform’s capabilities to eliminate cross-border cyber-attacks on “smart” entities in the energy sector and to validate the virtual polygon developed within IRIS through coordinated exercises, which prevent and remove threats against the compromised networks and IT components, by involving CSIRT teams and relevant energy actors (Helsinki, Finland).

The activities of the project are the following:
WP1: Project Management;
WP2: System Co-Design;
WP3: Autonomous Threat Analytics;
WP4: Collaborative Secure and Trusted Cyber-Threat Intelligence Sharing;
WP5: Virtual Cyber Range and Training Environment;
WP6: IRIS Platform Integration and Testing;
WP7: Large-Scale Pilot Demonstration and Evaluation;
WP8: Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of Results;
WP9: Ethics requirements.

Content reflects only the authors’ view and European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.